Avoid High Risk Credit Card Processing Scams with Merchant Stronghold

FRAUD’, the word itself generates a warning sign to both customers as well as the merchant. According to recent studies, every fraud valued 1 dollar, costs merchant $2.40. The amount may seem less but has a huge impact on annual revenue.One of the main reasons for these frauds is the credit card processing scams. Credit card payment processing companies have noticed a significant growth of such scams among small or medium-sized businesses as compared to large industries. And, if these SMBs do not have sufficient resources to handle them, the impact of scams are much more significant. A major retail can bare the impact of the loss of a couple of dollars but it is not the case with small or medium-sized businesses.

Most Common Credit Card Processing Scams

Let us discuss in detail about the most common credit card processing scams and a few tips to avoid them.

Forced Authorization Scam

To complete the transaction when customer’s credit card is declined, the merchant can perform forced authorization. Now, to finalize the sale, where the merchant already remits good, forced authorization is conducted. To do so, merchant calls the issuing bank directly to obtain the authorization code when a card is declined and overrides it. Few things to remember while conducting forced authorization are:

  • The customer might provide you with an alphanumeric code, which is not valid to override.
  • If the authorization code is not valid or fraudulent, the merchant cannot file a dispute.
  • In this case, the merchant will be subjected to chargebacks and a fine.
  • Always allow card processing terminal to get an approval code.

Wire Scam

If the order placed by a customer is much larger than what merchant processes, beware, as wire scam might occur. It is a scam where customer overpays for the orders he/she has placed and asks the merchant to wire the exceeding amount to a third party. This third party is responsible for picking up ordered product from the merchant and delivering it to the customer who ordered it. To avoid wired scam, always remember two things:

1) Never accept excess money to be wired to a third party, no matter what reason may customer give.

2) Doing so can cost the merchant a fine and a fee for conducting fraudulent transactions.

Gift Card Scams

This is the most common scam and according to a recent study, 13% of the gift card frauds are by store employees and usually, they steal from already load cards. In totality, retails lose almost $70k annually from gift card scams. This includes:

  • Skimming card number to create a fake card
  • Returning stolen goods in exchange for gift cards.


1) To protect cards from theft and unauthorized use, implement security measures.

2) For all returns, request receipt and ID.

3) If it happens, refund the transaction immediately and do not give away the product.

4) For assistance on any suspicious activity, contact your payment processor’s risk department.


Merchant Stronghold provides a payment processor for high risk merchants and has a well-qualified payment processor risk department, which can help you resolve issues with high accuracy and within time. Our experts are available 24*7, 365 days to take any credit card processor query. Just give us a call on +1(888) 622-6875

Everything needs to know about international merchant accounts

Merchant account services worth high quality can be provided to you by Merchant Stronghold irrespective of your geographical location. Business owners from various countries are opting for our services regularly. For processing credit cards, merchants don’t need to depend on a single merchant account; our international banking partners are always there to help our customers.

International Merchant Accounts

Offering multi-currency payment solutions to international customers can help a business boost their bottom line in a very short amount of time. An international merchant account not only allows your business to reach new markets and increase sales but provides your customers with a familiar and seamless shopping experience. Our huge network of international merchant accounts includes

  • Merchant Services
  • Payment Gateway Services
  • Credit Card Processing Services
  • Shopping Cart Services

Merchant Services: Merchant services is a broad category of financial services intended for use by businesses. Merchant service providers typically require the merchant to have a merchant account with the provider, either directly or through a referral partner, such as banks service. When it comes to serving global businesses, a wide range of merchant accounts are offered by Merchantstronghold. Your business requirements are bound to find the right solutions from online merchant account, MOTO, and retail merchant account services. Besides providing offshore and international merchant accounts to e-commerce merchants, we also serve them with merchant accounts that fall under high-risk and low-risk categories.

Payment Gateway Services: When you buy something at the store and you go to the counter to pay, a store clerk processes the transaction on a cash register (or maybe even a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet), which functions as a point of sale (POS) terminal. The same sort of thing happens when you buy a movie online using your credit card, except the entire process is completed virtually through a software service called a payment gateway. Our virtual terminal can be accessed by you without any extra cost once you qualify as a Moto merchant. It will enable you to accept credit cards through mail orders or via phone calls. Know more about the payment gateway provided by Merchantstronghold.

Credit Card Processing Services: Merchantstronghold offers a variety of credit card processing services alongside multiple merchant accounts. China UnionPay, American Express, MasterCard, Diners Club, Visa Electron, Discover, Visa, and JCB are a few of the major banks that can provide you with credit cards. Payments received in a little over 160 currencies can be processed by merchants. Euros, GBP, and USD are some of the most used currencies. You must acquire more information on the credit card processing services.

Shopping Cart Services: When it comes to making your e-commerce website more user-friendly, you’ll need to identify the right shopping cart. Our Merchant Stronghold payment gateway works well with 40 shopping carts that are quite popular. PrestaShop, Magento, Zen Cart, X-Cart, and osCommerce are a few of the shopping carts that have gained much popularity in the recent times. The payment modules included by Merchant Stronghold shopping cart services for each of these modules are free. Acquire more knowledge on our shopping modules and carts.

Best Offshore High Risk Merchant Accounts for Telemarketers


Due to the amount of time between when a product is sold over the phone and when it’s actually delivered to the customer, telemarketing is commonly considered a high risk business type. The marketplace has extended beyond limits and instead of buying a shop/store and sitting there throughout the day to sell your product and services, all you need is a system with a website to market your product. Nowadays, you can buy things online or through telemarketing at your convenience, without wasting your time and be being present physically in the shop. Now let us understand the term telemarketing.

How does a telemarketing Company apply for a Merchant Account?

Applying for a merchant account, for your telemarketing business is quite a simple process. We do consider the following:

  • If your credit score is good, ye, then we are certainly ready to approve.
  • In case you wish to change to a new processor, we request you to produce the statements of the last 3-6 months.
  • In the event of bad credit rating, there is no need to fret and worry. We ask for additional documents before approval.
  • In some cases, we do ask for business banking statements that prove your ability to handle potential chargebacks.

Open a merchant account through a high risk merchant account provider. High risk providers specialize in hard-to-place business types and often have offshore banking relationships that enable them to serve merchants that are considered “high risk.” They may charge higher-than-average rates for their service, but they can also be a valuable resource for businesses that otherwise have very few options.

Merchant account: Merchant account is created under an agreement between the business owner and the issuer bank for the settlement of payment done via cards (card transactions). A merchant account is essential for high-risk merchants and is commonly called high-risk merchant account. In other words, a high-risk merchant account is an account for processing credit card payments, where the issuer bank has classified the merchant or business as high-risked.

High-risk Merchant: High-risk merchant in telemarketing business faces a lot of struggle in getting approval for a merchant account, but if they succeed in getting one, it will enhance the sales, as they will be able to accept credit card payment from their customers present all over the world.

Advantages of merchant account service

  • If a merchant gets approval for a high-risk merchant account, a wider range of support service is given to the merchant for a smoother and efficient workflow. One of the main services provided is virtual terminal. It is proven to be very beneficiary for high-risk merchants.
  • Once the merchant account is approved, a telemarketer will not only be able to accept the payment through credit card but also, do financial transactions telephonically.
  • It will help you bring the customers around the world under one roof as it will allow them to accept all the major currencies and credit cards.

Fraud Prevention Information Resources Steps for Small Businesses


Here are helpful sources that can provide more information and assistance on avoiding credit card fraud in your high risk business.


  • http://www.visa.com – Includes tips, regulations, news and fraud features from VISA. (Choose the option for merchants/businesses.)
  • http://www.mastercard.com – Includes tips, regulations, news and fraud features from MasterCard. (Choose the option for merchants.)
  • http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/welcome.jsp – United States Postal Service website to validate an address physically exists. This does not confirm that a person lives at the address but does confirm the address is real.
  • http://www.ic3.gov – Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) The IFCC is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. This site allows victims of Internet fraud to report fraud online to the appropriate law enforcement and regulatory authorities.
  • http://www.forwarders.com – This is a list of freight forwarders. Many times international criminals will ship to these addresses and have the order sent on to its final destination(s) by the freight forwarding company.


  • VISA Merchant Verification Service 800-847-2750 AUTOMATED
  • Option 1, Address Verification: enter in the numeric portion of the street address, zip code, and VISA card number and it will advise you if there is a match. Option 2, Issuing Bank Phone numbers: enter the VISA card number and it will provide you with the 800 number for the issuing bank if available.
  • MasterCard Assist 800-622-7747

    Select your language preference, then Option 2. Enter the MasterCard card number and it will provide you with the 800 number for the issuing bank if available.

  • Discover Address Verification 800-347-7988 AUTOMATED

    You will need your Discover Merchant number. Enter the Discover card number and address information, and it will advise you if there is a match.

  • American Express Address Verifications 800-528-2121

    Option 3 allows you to verify the name and address of a particular AMEX card number.

These Fraud Prevention Tips are not an amendment to your Merchant Processing Agreement, the Terms of Service, or the Merchant Operating Guide, governing your processing relationship with Merchant Stronghold. These Fraud Prevention Tips are provided to enhance your awareness of circumstances in which potential fraudulent activity may occur and offer suggested measures to combat, reduce, or minimize the impact of the acceptance of fraudulent transactions.

Direct Marketing High Risk Credit Card Processing In USA

Merchant Stronghold provides credit card processing gateways that are tailored for your direct marketing business. Grow your Direct Marketing business by providing multiple payment options to your customers.

Efficient Front-end Systems and Credit Card Processing Gateway to integrate with Stronghold’s gateway API and be able to provide instant successful transactions are important, especially for a Direct marketing System. Stronghold’s credit card processing gateway not only accepts payment but also compiles reports so that merchants can keep records of transactions. Many companies these days promise to deliver these efficient systems, but most of them focus on providing fancy systems rather than better security. Merchant stronghold on the other hand not only have the most secure and solid gateways available but also close all loopholes that can harm payment system of your direct marketing business.

Rather than using physical terminals, your customers can use secure online gateways for making transactions. There are many advantages; business gets daily batch reports, multi-batch reports, decline reasons, successful transactions, refunds, sorting last 30 days transactions, and much more. All these can be done using your personal or business computer. The Gateway also captures the IP Address and reports it in the system using the iSpyFraud Technology.

Online Payment Gateway

Our virtual gateways can make credit card processing money saving, which means your business pay less amount to process transactions. Merchant stronghold makes sure that every transaction is secure.  In order to provide better direct marketing gateways, we have set ourselves apart from our competition. We offer services that are tailored to your business – A glimpse of our methods:

Safe and Secure Processing: All the credit card processing transactions go through multiple secure servers means no data is stored on your business computer. This makes direct marketing processing safe and secure.

Customer Support: The first thing that any business should focus on is better customer support. Our team is available to help you deal with any payment issue. You can contact us and discuss issues and they will be resolved timely so that your direct marketing business thrives.

eChecks: Gateway allows you to accept checks too! Accept Credit Cards and eChecks in the same Gateway.

Flexible Settlement Times: The business can customize or set a certain time for the transactions to be batched out and be sent out for settlement.

Multiple User Access: Our direct marketing credit card processing gateways give users multiple options. Your customers get email receipts at the time of processing. This ensures that transaction is authentic and quick. All the records are kept for future references.

ISpyFraud Technology: ISpyFraud Technology helps to monitor and capture customers IP address at the time of the transaction. Geo Locations and IP Address helps reduce online fraud and is the first choice for a direct marketing business when it comes to accepting credit cards. Don’t let your merchant face the risks of accepting payments without adequate protection. Get in touch with our to learn more about how to help your customers guard against fraudulent transactions.

If any of your transactions are face to face, then you are not providing enough options to your customers. We can offer your customers easy and reliable options that will suit their payment method. Ever transactions made through our systems will be safe and your customers will get notification of their recent transaction. What is the best part of all this? You are paying less money and getting premium credit card processing gateway.

How to sign up for getting your merchant account?

It is quick and easy! Start an online application or call one of our merchant specialists will walk you through the process. We offer various services and based on your requirement, we will provide a payment solution that will best suit your direct marketing business.

The Advantages of a High Risk Merchant Account for Nutraceutical Products

For any E-commerce site, to accept payment by multiple means you need a proper payment gateway and a merchant account that supports your needs. Without a merchant account, you will not be able to accept payment via credit card or debit card. If you are looking forward to spreading your business worldwide, it is important to have the capacity to process such payments.

Nutraceutical products (commonly known as Nutra products) have formed a billion dollar market. Business dealing in such products is categorized as high-risk business and most conventional banks and merchant processors will not provide services to companies like this.

Benefits of Merchant Services for Nutra Product Sales

Some merchant account providers specialize in high-risk merchant account but charge a higher fee for certain accounts. There are few providers who offer customized end-to-end payment solutions, which are more beneficial for the merchant as compare to others. Some also offer to process for numerous currencies. For these and other reasons, it’s best to do very systematic research of merchant processors that offer merchant accounts for Nutra deals.

Several benefits of using a merchant account for Nutra product sales are:

Payment acceptance through various means: If you want to grow your business it is important to accept payments by multiple means. Customers feel comfortable if they can pay or choose the payment option as per their choice and convenience, for the products or services they require.

Acceptance of all type of credit cards: If you have a payment processor that works with all credit cards, the merchant can deal with people and companies all over the world and expand their business.

No volume limit: Merchant service provider can provide you with a payment system that does not restrict you from making business deals and financial transactions. A system where you can carry out transactions without any interruption or issues.

Extra benefits provided by some of the merchant account providers:

  • 24/7 technical support
  • Fast set-up and approval in 24 hours (depending on Acquiring bank)
  • No the hidden fees in terms of Nutra Merchant Account Solutions
  • Instant integration with the website
  • Affordable data processing rates

How to Shop for Merchant Services 

Despite the fact that there are more choices nowadays in the card preparing industry, finding the correct processor can be challenging. You will require one that addresses your organization’s issues, but that can take some time and legwork. Discover what different administrations they are offering, for example, online installment doors. You can also inquire whether they handle things like various monetary standards. Discover a processor that can make different Nutra deals and shipper accounts accessible to your organization.

How to Get a High Volume High-Risk Nutraceuticals Merchant Account

Getting a high limit high-risk nutraceuticals merchant account isn’t easy. Presenting your business in the best possible light from point of the first contact is important because merchant accounts are essentially a line of credit from a processor. Once a high-risk Nutra merchant account is approved, payment processors set monthly processing limits. These limits are typically between $25,000 and $100,000 per month. DigiPay knows how to navigate the high-risk nutraceutical payment processing space and has developed exclusive partnerships that allow for our qualified nutraceutical merchants to process high dollar volumes. Our risk management team works closely with merchants and sponsoring banks to shorten trial periods and raise processing limits. Most nutraceutical companies that maintain a stable, consistent performance throughout their initial trial periods can increase their processing limits.

Instructions to Work with Conventional Merchant Services Providers

Pay organization bills on time and keep financials in order. Give clients great services and make returning items simple and convenient. Nutraceutical related merchants who give genuine items at reasonable costs could hope to remain in business and expect outstanding income. Search for long-term solutions for your Nutra deals here.

For more details, call our representative on +1(888)622-6875 or email us at info@merchantstronghold.com

High Risk Website Design Merchant Account Permits Online Secure Websites

For a successful online business one thing which is very important is to carry out credit card transactions with fractions of seconds and securely. As this is a competitive world and customers are impatient, it is important for every online business owner to carry out credit card transactions quickly and in a secure manner so that the data is not misused. Having a high-risk online business brings the possibility of expanding the market nationally and internationally, and touching the global market. But to carry out such transactions; merchant needs a website design merchant account, which is essential to carry out financial transactions in a secure payment gateway for all the major currencies geographically.

This website design merchant account is considered as high-risk, because of which not a lot of processors offer high-risk website design merchant accounts. At Merchant Stronghold (MHS), the company works to provide highly secure websites along with prevention tools, which will provide security to your website to carry out transactions without hesitation at a reasonable price.

Benefits to get website merchant account through MSH. If you choose Merchant Stronghold for website design merchant account, the benefits you will get are:

  • Multiple layers of safety
  • Timely improvement to the design
  • Payment gateway acceptance by a network of acquiring banks.
  • Compatibility to carry out daily or weekly payouts
  • 3D secure prevention tools that will protect the business from frauds
  • Compatibility with the maximum type of shopping cart
  • Transactions made in more than 160 currencies
  • Cost effective transactions

Advanced merchant system has been in the fields for several years and is a high-risk merchant processing service provider with a complete knowledge and intricacies of the business. Our company guarantees to handle a project of any volume and domain. It also provides online merchant account, which is approved in less time and effortlessly. The main goal of MSH is to ensure that its clients are at a cost-effective side of the transaction and can make a maximum profit as a merchant or business. Being pocket-friendly, our company tries to keep our valuable clients away from excessive charges and do not implement any kind of restrictions on credit card processing and an overall turnover of the company.

Our highly qualified customer support department provides 24*7 services. So—feel free to call our team for any type of queries regarding website design merchant account services on +1 (888)622-6875 or email us at info@merchantstronghold.com

13 Tips To Guard Your High Risk Merchant Business Against Chargeback

For many small businesses that accept credit cards, chargeback is way costlier but there are ways where you can protect your business against those unfair chargebacks. Before going further, let us understand what is a ‘Chargeback’?


A chargeback happens when a customer after purchasing a product, contact to his/her card issuer to dispute the charges. In simple words, when a customer purchases a product and due to some reason disputes a charge with his/her bank, the money is returned to that customer as well as he/she gets to keep the product. But the bank charges the business owner, from whom the product was purchased. This payment, which the business owner gets to pay to the bank, is called the chargeback.

Here are few tips that can help you prevent chargeback and minimize the time and money spent while dealing with it. Being business owner you should understand that disputes could be considered valid due to many reasons. Customer may dispute charges if:

  • A hacker using the customer’s identity made the purchase illegally.
  • The wrong item was received.
  • The product was adulterated
  • The customer does not recognize the charge on his credit card statement.
  • The customer was billed incorrectly.
  • Let us now discuss few tips which can help you in preventing a chargeback.

Declined authorization: If the authorization request is declined once, do not go ahead with that particular transaction instead ask customers to opt for different payment method. Also, keep in mind not to request multiple authorizations for a particular transaction.

Authorization code: There will be cases when word “Call” is displayed on your terminal while authorization is being checked. At this point call the credit card company right away. The representative will ask you a few questions and may speak to its customer as well. After that he/she may or may not provide you with an authorization code. If the authorization code is provided, record it else request the customer to try a different card.

The system not working: There can be cases where the system is not functioning properly or the card is worn out. At this point, you should key-enter the credit card number, and also remember to make an impression of the card for keeping the record. This is important because a customer’s signature is not enough to protect you from a chargeback.

Gift card: Gift cards are unembossed cards and there is no way to take a manual imprint of it. In case customer wishes to pay by gift card it is advisable to ask the customer for a different payment method.

Signature: Regardless of the type of the card used for the payment processing, the signature of the cardholder on the receipt is mandatory. This can be used as a proof that the customer made the purchase himself.

Swipe only once: You should swipe the card only once to avoid duplicate transactions, which can lead to a major chargeback. If such situation arises, write “VOID” in bold letters on the customer’s receipt and tear it in front of the cardholder.

Record keeping: To avoid duplicate transaction chargeback, make sure that you deposit only one copy of sales receipt. Be cautious about recording sales; do not record the same transaction more than once.

Clear communication: Clearer is the refund and return policy, better will be the communication and it will protect you from chargeback as well. As far as refund policy is concerned, it is better to print it on the receipt directly. If not possible, stamp it near customer’s signature.

Receipt deposit: To avoid chargeback, deposit receipts as soon as possible. Make it a point that all the receipts are deposited within a day or two.

Cancellation request: It is a good practice to honor all customer requests to cancel recurring billing and provide them with a written statement for the same with a date on it. Delay on it can put you at risk for a chargeback.

Unexpected Delay: If, due to any reason, there is a gap between the time payment was made and the time when the product was delivered, it is advisable to inform the customer about the same in written and if possible, also let the customer know the new expected date.

Out of stock: If in case, the product is out of stock or unavailable due to any reason, it is important to intimate the customer about the same and asks them whether they would like to cancel the order or would like to purchase another item instead. Keep in mind that without customer’s permission do not send any substitute product. This will help in reducing chargeback risk.

Shipment: Never deposit the money you have charged from a customer before product being shipped to the customer. Streamline shipping process in order to get the product out to the customer as quickly as possible. There are chances of a customer getting upset about paying before receiving the product.

Factors & Guidelines to Merchant Service Underwriting and Why It’s Important

It is important to open a high-risk merchant account to carry out financial transactions especially if your business requires an online payment gateway through which you can accept payment by multiple payment methods. To acquire a high-risk merchant account, you have to first find a credit card processor, which meets your needs and provides you services at a reasonable price. When you apply for this account, you cannot get started by just filling an application form. The application (in turn your business) has to go through a wide analysis process. This process is called improper merchant underwriting.


What is Merchant underwriting?

When a merchant chooses a high-risk payment processor to process its payments, the two parties will sign an agreement, with this agreement being referred to as a financial contract. The underwriting process tends to be very stringent and is used to help determine how credible the merchant is in relation to its own credit card worthiness and business reliability; this process starts when a merchant puts in an application to obtain services from a payment processor.

All About Merchant Account Underwriting

Gathering this information is part of the high-risk merchant account underwriting process that each merchant account provider must follow for each new merchant account. A merchant account underwriter will look at how long you have been in business as well as your financial history. You will need to furnish information about your products and/or services as well as how you generally conduct business.

Merchant Underwriting Process

The merchant account is basically a line of credit. In case of chargebacks, the amount is deducted from the merchant’s account, but if there are not enough funds in the bank to pay for chargeback then the provider pays that amount right away to the customer. So the essential part of underwriting is to evaluate the risk level of merchant’s business. Following are the things that provider review:

After Effects of Poor Merchant Underwriting

Your high-risk business may suffer from one or the other reason even without in-depth analysis and these are:

Incorrect Limit: You should set limits for your business as per requirement. It should not be too high or too low, as both the cases will end up in putting your business in a problem. Limits lower than required will hinder the regular processing of transactions that may constrict the flow of cash or timely payments from the customer, whereas if the limit is too high, this may lead to unexpected fraudulent charges.

Hidden Fee: An additional fee is charged if the volume exceeds the limit. However, even if you have set your limit, some providers let it exceed without notification and charge you with the penalty.

Downgrades: Once your high-risk merchant account is set, you are inclined to transaction downgrades if certain required features and security measures are not set along with the account. Although, setting up these features will cost you more, but will help you in long run and enable smooth processing of transactions.

US Tech Support Business Looking For a High Risk Merchant Account

How Did Technical Support Services Work?

When I started my analysis for this business, I communicated with a variety of individuals whom I thought might need some observe in managing such merchants, and what I detected from them didn’t exactly come back as a surprise to me. Most of my contemporaries warned Maine that such businesses might be very tough to work with — that their company practices were uncertain, that they might occasionally doctor the desired work, that their chargeback ratios were sky-high, which client objection levels were off the chart. “Where have I detected that before?”, I wondered, and my initial observe speedily confirmed the authenticity of those warnings. However, I had the great fortune to quickly stumble upon a merchant who turned out to be hardworking, trustworthy and legit. He also ensured low levels of client complaints and chargebacks. Equally necessary, the volume per month was extravagant— concerning $500,000 and still continues to grow.


Finding the simplest payment process solutions are often tough for tech support merchants in operation internationally.

Whether you offer remote tech support assistance or in-office computer services, Merchant Stronghold provides customizable merchant accounts. For tech support businesses with Merchant Stronghold, you will be connected to a vast network of domestic, offshore and international acquiring banks that can approve you regardless of your geographical location.

Tech Support Offshore Merchant Account Fees

Our tech support merchant account fees are competitive and cheap, and our application method is free. Once our underwriting department matches you with one amongst our effort banking partners, the bank can then method your application and confirm your merchant account fees.

Since banks confirm fees on an item-by-item basis, we cannot provide you with exact fees until the underwriting process has been completed. However, you can contact us for your free quote.

How to Get and — a lot of significantly — Keep a merchant Account Live

There was this explicit merchant based mostly within the U.S. and, by the time it contacted North American country, it had gone to a number of the largest U.S. processors to open many merchant accounts, some of that is still active. Now, this is often one amongst the largest mistakes that merchant should not create —opening many merchant accounts quickly, and not keeping them live. If it’s done otherwise, processors get nervous and intelligibly so —the new merchant Account you’re applying dormant is either closed down or replaced. within the event, we tend to ask our merchant to clarify why it had sawed the pain of gap these several merchant accounts and received a satisfactory clarification, that isn’t a typical state of affairs. I ought to conjointly add that the merchant had already received notices that its remaining accounts would be closed inside a month, that brings Maine to following lesson — even if you do manage to get an account with them and keep it functioning, it is inevitable to keep it running. As soon as the processor’s risk department takes a close look at it, it will shut down in a second. What you need is a high-risk solution, although not necessarily an offshore one.

Merchant Stronghold’s Technical Support Checklists

Merchant represents and warrants every of the subsequent by checking it and sign language below:

Merchant is engaged within the business of giving technical support services and has obtained, and throughout the term of the agreement can maintain, all local, state, and federal licenses, registrations, and approvals needed to conduct such business. All technical support services that merchant services charge any client are provided solely by the merchant, and cannot be referred, re-directed, or outsourced to any third party.